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Marc Hamroff, Robert Cohen & Julia Gavrilov Panelists For ELFA’s 2023 Legal Forum

Marc Hamroff, Robert Cohen & Julia Gavrilov, partners of the firm, will be panelists at the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s 2023 Legal Forum on May 7-9, 2023 in Fort Myers, Florida. They will cover bankruptcy and workout considerations; recent case law; diversity, equity and inclusion best practices; and the implications of state commercial finance disclosure laws.

Mr. Hamroff, a panelist for the Bankruptcy & Workouts in a Post-Pandemic Economy session, will focus on “red flags of loan distress” and how to position a loan or lease for the best outcome in a potential litigation.

Mr. Cohen, a panelist for the State Regulatory Update session, will review state commercial financial disclosure laws underway, including the significant changes to New York’s law which becomes effective August 1, and related compliance issues.

Ms. Gavrilov, panelist for the Legal Update Part 1 session, will discuss recent case law and developments in bankruptcy, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and creditor litigation.  Additionally, she will also serve as a moderator on the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Best Practices Through a Legal Lens session which will examine industry trends, challenges and best practices for advancing diversity goals while mitigating risk.

For additional information, visit: ELFA Legal Forum


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