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Events & Seminars

Alan S. Hock Featured Speaker At NYSBA Seminar Celebrity Endorsements: Legal Considerations

Alan S. Hock, a partner of the firm, will be a featured speaker for the New York State Bar Association’s seminar “Celebrity Endorsements: Legal Considerations” on October 26, 2017  from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm at Arent Fox LLP in New York City.

The seminar will address the important legal issues involved in negotiating and documenting celebrity endorsement agreements with a focus on the current trend of compensating celebrities with equity as opposed to cash.  In addition, the seminar will also cover emerging issues related to the Federal Trade Commission’s disclosure requirements and the new regulatory developments concerning the use of promotional posts by celebrities on their social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

The seminar provides 1.0 CLE credits in professional practice.

For additional information about the program or to register, visit: NYSBA

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