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Dennis O’Rourke Featured Speaker At Stony Brook University Crowdfunding Seminar

Dennis O’Rourke, of counsel to the firm, will be a featured speaker at a seminar “Crowdfunding-The Latest Economic Growth and Fundraising Tool” at the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology at Stony Brook University from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm on April 30, 2014.

In an effort to stimulate economic growth in the startup and emerging business sectors, Congress is working on new rules and regulations that will make it easier for businesses to raise capital directly from the public. The seminar will address issues pertaining to these new rules and regulations. Topics include: Crowdfunding Legal Implications (506(c) changes, crowdfunding rules, pros/cons, and the future of fundraising); Business Implications (what investors look for, commercial viability business plans, and valuations); Tax Implications (reporting requirements, tax planning and exit strategies); and Initiate a Crowdfunding Campaign (types of offerings, creating an executive campaign, and keys to success).

For additional information about this seminar or to register, visit:

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