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Events & Seminars

Greg Calabro Featured Speaker at Community Housing Improvement Program Seminar

Greg Calabro, a partner of the firm, will be a featured speaker at the Community Housing Improvement Program’s (CHIP) seminar “The New Face of the DHCR (and a Roberts Update)” on Thursday, December 13, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City.  Mr. Calabro’s topic is entitled “Has Your Building Ever Received J-51? A Post-Roberts Update”.

The seminar will address various business practices that owner’s must learn in order to protect themselves in these challenging times.  In addition to Mr. Calabro’s topic, other topics include: “The Tenant Protection Unit”; “Al Proceedings”; “Major Capital Improvements: The Good, the Bad, the Unknown”; and An Engineer’s Perspective: Fuel Conversion Projects and MCI Applications”.

CHIP is a trade association representing more than 2,500 apartment-building owners in New York City’s boroughs.  It has been a key player in City and State housing policy for over 40 years, leading on such diverse issues as lead paint, property taxes, water rate and rent regulation.

For additional information or to register, contact: CHIP at (212) 838-7442 or by email at

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