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Events & Seminars

Henry L. Goldberg Moderates & Robert J. Fryman Speaks At The Subcontractors Trade Association’s 2020 General Meeting Seminar

Henry L. Goldberg, a partner of the firm, will moderate and Robert J. Fryman, a partner of the firm, will speak at the Subcontractors Trade Association’s General Membership Meeting Seminar “Show Me Solutions! Managing Construction Contract Claims” on Tuesday, February 4, 2020  from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Club 101 in New York City.

Led by leading legal and claim experts, this intensive session is designed for all construction industry professionals who want to better manage the claim process and apply strategic risk mitigation approaches during all phases of the construction project.

For additional information about the conference, visit: STA Show Me Solutions Seminar

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