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Events & Seminars

Henry L. Goldberg Moderates & Robert J. Fryman Speaks At The Subcontractors Trade Association’s Impact 2019 Seminar

Henry L. Goldberg, a partner of the firm, will moderate and Robert J. Fryman, a partner of the firm, will speak at the Subcontractors Trade Association’s Impact 2019 Seminar “Contract Clause Impacts Your Projects” on June 4, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Manhattan Manor in New York City.

This interactive discussion, with several of New York’s leading legal professionals, will examine select contract clauses with a focus on what you can and cannot negotiate, and how to add project controls and more efficient construction contract approaches to mitigate risk and maximize profitability.

For additional information about the conference, visit: STA Impact 2019 Seminar

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