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Events & Seminars

Leslie A. Berkoff Featured Speaker At NCBA Bankruptcy Law Committee Meeting

Leslie A. Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will be the featured speaker at the Nassau County Bar Association’s Bankruptcy Law Committee meeting on November 15th at 12:30 p.m. at the Bar Association.

Leslie’s topic is entitled “Converting a Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7 Absent the Debtor’s Consent: Evaluating, Marrama, The Impact of Law v. Siegel & The Successive Case Law.

The program will address the issue of when a Chapter 13 debtor seeks dismissal of a case and creditors instead seek to convert the same to a Chapter 7.  What exactly did Marrama stand for? Does Law v. Siegel overturn Marrama or can the cases be reconciled?  What about converting a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 13? The program will also explore the statutory authority, Supreme Court cases and related case interpretation.

For additional information about the event, contact the Nassau County Bar Association at (516) 747-4070.



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