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Events & Seminars

Leslie A. Berkoff Panelist For Financial Poise & West LegalEdCenter’s Webinar: Handling The Arbitration

Leslie Berkoff, a Partner and Chair of the firm’s Dispute Resolution practice group, will be a panelist for Financial Poise’s webinar “Preparing For An Arbitration” on July 20, 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT.  The webinar is co-produced by West LegalEdCenter™ and is the final episode of the “Alternative Dispute Resolution 2023” series.

In this session the expert panel will cover how to handle discovery demands and discovery disputes, various methods of testimony and the use of expert witnesses, how to prepare pre-trial statements, exhibit lists and witnesses for the arbitration, and post-arbitration submissions and awards.

For additional information or to register, visit: West LegalEdCenter

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