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Events & Seminars

Leslie Berkoff Featured Panelist ABA Webinar “How To Ethically Protect Secure Communication In Online Dispute Resolution”

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will be a featured panelist for the American Bar Association Litigation Law Section’s webinar “How To Ethically Protect Secure Communication In Online Dispute Resolution” on September 15, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

The panel will review key ethical concerns related to virtual and online mediations and provide practice tips as to how attorneys can collaborate with client representatives and communicate with the other parties and the mediator in an effective and confidential fashion in the wake of COVID-19. The panel will also review the ethical concerns raised by the foregoing and discuss Rules 1.1 and 1.6 of the Model Rules of Professional Responsibility.

For additional information or to register, visit: ABA Webinar

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