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Events & Seminars

Leslie Berkoff Moderator For FEWA Fall 2022 Expert Witness Skills Virtual Summit

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will serve as a moderator for a panel session titled “Insights for Expert Witnesses from a Federal Magistrate Judge and a Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge” at the Forensic Expert Witness Association’s (FEWA)  Applied Expert Witness Skills Virtual Summit on October 10-11, 2022.

The summit is geared for experts of all types and specialties, those aspiring to be experts, and those supporting experts with the aim of live education that helps professionals located anywhere to become better expert witnesses.

FEWA is the leading organization for expert witnesses to acquire training, eminence, and certification. FEWA is dedicated to the professional development, ethical standards, and promotion of forensic consultants in all fields of discipline.

For additional information and registration, visit: FEWA


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