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Events & Seminars

Leslie Berkoff Panelist For ABA Webinar: Mediating Remotely In The Age Of Zoom

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will be a featured panelist for the American Bar Association’s webinar “Mediating Remotely In The Age Of Zoom” on December 11, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EST.

The webinar will review practical ways to prepare for conducting remote mediations. The program will further cover the pros and cons of remote mediation compared to in-person mediation. The panel will share their experiences in both remote and in person mediation and share practice tips.

The ABA will seek 1 hour of general CLE credit in 60-minute states and 1.2 hours of CLE credit in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules.

For additional information or to register, visit: ABA

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