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Leslie Berkoff Panelist For ABI’s Webinar Program: A Case Study On Hot Topics In Preference Litigation

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will be a panelist for the American Bankruptcy Institute’s abiLIVE webinar “A Case Study on Hot Topics in Preference Litigation” on June 27, 2024 from 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm EDT.   The program is hosted by ABI’s Unsecured Trade Creditors Committee.

This mock mediation, based on the Southern District of New York’s (SDNY’s) recent preference decision in The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc. bankruptcy cases involving McKesson Corp., will demonstrate how plaintiff, defendant and mediator analyze risk and preference exposure when trying to reach a mediated settlement. The SDNY’s decision followed two summary-judgment motions filed by McKesson, but this webinar will assume that this a pre-summary-judgment mediation. The panelists will discuss the three issues decided by the court: (1) whether McKesson could include paid new value as part of its new value defense (i.e., whether the subsequent advance vs. remains-unpaid approach is appropriate); (2) whether McKesson could set off its § 503(b)(9) claim (i.e., its 20-day claim) against preference liability (i.e., mutuality as to when a § 503(b)(9) claim and preference claim arise); and (3) whether the amounts in McKesson’s § 502(h) claim, which paid invoices for 20-day § 503(b)(9) goods, should be a general unsecured claim that recovers $0, or a higher priority § 503(b)(9) claim, which could theoretically recover 100% if a plan was confirmed, but would recover much less here, as the cases were administratively insolvent and structurally dismissed. A fourth issue that the SDNY implicitly addressed was whether there is improper double-dipping where there is an allowed § 503(b)(9) claim (either paid or reserved for) that a claimant seeks to also include as part of its new value calculations (i.e.Auriga Polymers and, analogously, Friedmans).

For registration and CLE details, visit: ABI

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