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Leslie Berkoff Panelist For American Arbitration Association’s 2023 Higginbotham Fellows Program

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will serve as a panelist for the American Arbitration Association’s (AAA) Higginbotham Fellows Program on May 12 at the AAA headquarters in New York City.

Ms. Berkoff will serve as a panelist for two of the program’s sessions, titled “Diversity in ADR” and “ADR Career Building.”

The program was established by the AAA in 2009 to help more women and ethnically/racially diverse legal professionals begin careers in arbitration and mediation. Its namesake, Judge Aloysius Leon Higginbotham, Jr., was a prominent African-American civil rights advocate, Presidential advisor, educator, humanitarian, and jurist dedicated to supporting diverse legal talent. In addition to the intense weeklong training at the AAA’s headquarters, participants are required to complete a self-study component, and may receive further training and networking opportunities, including pairings with AAA mentors in their specific ADR areas of interest.

To learn more about the program, visit: Higginbotham Fellows Program

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