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Events & Seminars

Leslie Berkoff Panelist For ABA Webinar: Awarding Attorney Fees, Costs & Interest In Arbitration

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will serve as a panelist for the American Bar Association’s webinar “Awarding Attorney Fees, Costs & Interest in Arbitration on July 17, 2024 from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm.

The panel will cover the following topics:

  • How an arbitrator should determine whether to award attorney fees and costs.
  • The basis for an attorney fee and cost award – special issues in arbitration.
  • How advocates can more effectively advance their clients’ interests when seeking, or opposing, awards of attorney fees and costs.
  • Calculating pre-and post-award interest.
  • Why these considerations lead to better reasoned awards and reduce the risk of vacatur or modification.
  • Best practices for briefing these issues in arbitration and other practical tips.

For complete details and registration, visit: ABA

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