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Events & Seminars

Leslie Berkoff Panelist For NYSBA Mediation CLE Program

Leslie Berkoff, a partner of the firm, will be a panelist for the New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA) CLE webinar “Preparing For Mediation: Your Clients & Yourself” on April 29 at 8:30 am EST.

The session will explore ways that attorneys can prepare both themselves and their clients for a successful mediation. Emphasis will be placed on shifting focus to resolution of the parties’ dispute rather than “litigation by other means.” This includes identification of critical information and legal theories both favorable and unfavorable, developing a plan for mediation that encompasses the full range of the client’s concerns and interest, and setting a strategy for initial conference calls with the mediator and for a pre-mediation statement.

As part of a three-part webinar CLE series providing practical strategies and techniques for successful client advocacy in mediation, this program is intended for litigation attorneys who are both new to and experienced with mediation as a dispute-resolution process.

For additional information or to register, visit: NYSBA

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