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MH&H and Hofstra Law School Host IP CLE Seminar: Gaming Gambling & Fantasy Sports

Moritt Hock & Hamroff and Hofstra Law School will present a CLE seminar “IP Law: Gaming, Gambling & Fantasy Sports” on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at our firm’s Garden City office.   Terese Arenth and Brian Bloom, partners of the firm, and William Heberer, Vice President of Law, Cable & Communications, Product Management, Marketing & Sales at Cablevision Systems Corporation will be the featured speakers.

The seminar will focus on laws governing sweepstakes, skill contents and fantasy sports; the increasing risks of corporate communications-TCPA compliance; and the continued importance of FTC endorsement guides and the FTC’s operation full disclosure.

The seminar provides 1.5 NYCLE credits.  For additional information or to register, visit:  IP LAW CLE Seminar 6/14/16


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