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MH&H Hosts SmartCEO Future 50 Think Tank Roundtable

On February 23, 2017 MH&H partner, Dennis O’Rourke hosted a Think Tank Roundtable “The Next Four Years: Where Is the Economy Going, and How Does It Affect Your Business?” as part of the Long Island SmartCEO’s Future 50 Awards program.

The Future 50 Awards program is the largest and most anticipated SmartCEO awards program of the year. This program recognizes the region’s fastest growing, mid-sized companies. These companies represent the future of the region’s economy and embody the entrepreneurial spirit critical for leadership and success. The winners are chosen based on a three-year average of employee and revenue growth  and  are profiled in SmartCEO magazine and celebrated at a black-tie optional awards gala.

SmartCEO’s mission is to educate, inspire and connect CEOs through its award-winning magazine, high-energy C-level events and access to valuable online resources. SmartCEO’s integrated media platforms reach business decision makers in the Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, metropolitan areas.

Click here to listen to the Think Tank discussion

SmartCEO Roundtable Photo1

Standing l to r: Gabriella Robayo, SmartCEO; Laura Page-Greifinger, Quality in Real Time; Esther Fortunoff Greene, Fortunoff Jewlelry; Ivy Algazy, The Ivy Network; Yolanda Robano-Gross, Options for Community Living; Dennis O’Rourke, Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP; Steven Abbass, Northwestern Mutual

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