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MH&H Presents “Skydivers, Cakes & The Military-Current Legal Issues Affecting the LGBTQ Community” Seminar 6/18/18

On June 18, 2018 MH&H presented a discussion of the application of Titles VII, VIII and IX of the United States Code of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer community, with emphasis on Zarda v. Altitude Express, Inc., No. 15-3775 (2d Cir. 2018), Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, No. 16-111 (U.S. Sup. Ct.) and the President’s directives concerning the transgender community’s service in the United States Military.

Guest speakers included:  Charlie Arrowood, Transcend Legal’s Director of Name & Gender Recognition; Erin Beth Harrist, Senior Staff Attorney at the New York Civil Liberties Union; and Professor Arthur S. Leonard, New York Law School Robert F. Wagner Professor of Labor & Employment Law and Editor of LGBT Law Notes.


Speakers (left to right): Charlie Arrowood, Transcend; Erin Beth Harrist, New York Civil Liberties Union; Professor Arthur S. Leonard, New York Law School; and Robert Schonfeld, Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP.


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