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MHH Supports The Asian American Bar Association Annual Dinner Gala 2022

On April 28th MHH’s James P. Chou, Marc Hamroff, Julia Gavrilov, Robert M. Finkel and Grace Lee, along with guests Dorian Lam (Cornerstone Land Abstract), Derek Chan (Greater Hudson Financial), Elizabeth Aviles (Scotiabank), Justice Alexander Tisch (NYS State Supreme Court) and Huhnsik Chung (SQrBlock Solutions), attended the Asian American Bar Association of New York’s Dinner Gala at Cipriani Wall Street in support of its mission to improve the study and practice of law, and the fair administration of justice for all by ensuring the meaningful participation of Asian-Americans in the legal profession.

(Standing left to right: Derek Chan, James Chou, Julia Gavrilov, Robert Finkel, Judge Alexander Tisch, Huhnsik Chung. Seated left to right: Dorian Lam, Marc Hamroff, Elizabeth Aviles and Grace Lee)

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