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Michael Cardello Featured Speaker At NYSBA’s Social Media and Ethics Seminar

Michael Cardello, a partner of the firm, will be one of the featured speakers at the New York State Bar Association’s Commercial and Federal Litigation Section’s seminar “The Use of Social Media and Its Legal Ethics” on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. at the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.

Social media networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are indispensable tools used by legal professionals and those with whom they communicate. Particularly, in conjunction with the increased use of mobile technologies in the legal profession, social media platforms have transformed the ways in which lawyers communicate.  As use of social media by lawyers and clients continues to grow and as social media networks proliferate and become more sophisticated, so does the ethical and litigation issues facing lawyers. Preservation, collection and production of social media are critical to a litigator’s toolkit, and this seminar will include a robust discussion of these issues.

The program will also address disciplinary complaints based on an attorneys’ improper use of digital information.  The updated 2017 version of the Social Media Ethics Guidelines authored by the Commercial and Federal Litigation Section of the New York State Bar Association will serve as the foundation of the program.

Program Topics include:

Attorney Competence
Preservation, Collection and Preservation of Social Media
Attorney Advertising
Furnishing Legal Advice through Social Media
Researching Jurors and Reporting Juror Misconduct
Violation of Ethical Rules: Social Media and the Disciplinary Process

The seminar provides 1.5 MCLE credits in Ethics.

For additional information about the seminar, visit: NYSBA Social Media & Ethics CLE Program


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