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Events & Seminars

Michael Cardello Speaker For SCBA’s Special Masters CLE Program

Michael Cardello, a partner of the firm, will be one of the featured speakers at the Suffolk County Bar Association’s Special Masters Reception and CLE program on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at the Bar Association’s Great Hall.

The role of the special master is to ensure that judicial orders are followed and to report on activities in a timely manner, to hear evidence on behalf of the judge and to make recommendations to the judge as to the disposition of a matter. This course will provide an understanding of how a special master can help your case including:

  • What is a Special Master?
  • Relevant Authority
  • Qualifications
  • Duties/Abilities
  • Reasons for Appointment
  • Procedural Considerations
  • Examples and Practical Considerations

The program provides 2 CLE credits in Professional Practice.

For additional details and registration, visit:  SCBA

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