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Robert Cohen Featured Panelist At ELFA Webinar “eSigning & eLeasing In The Covid-19 World: Taking It To The Next Level”

Robert Cohen, a partner of the firm, will be a featured panelist for the Equipment Leasing & Finance Association’s (ELFA) webinar “eSigning & eLeasing In the Covid-19 World:Taking It To The Next Level ” on December 2, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

The panel will discuss e-signing and full blown e-leasing in the COVID-19 world as well as explore critical concepts funders need to know to move their e-signing and e-leasing programs forward in the COVID-19 environment. Topics include:

    • Real life process and documentation considerations
    • The distinction between e-signing v. e-Leasing (and why this matters)
    • The importance of having the “original”
    • The creation and importance of an electronic signature policy and how it should complement the funder’s business practices
    • Guidance on creating, executing, managing and transferring transactions in a completely digital, remote and contactless environment.

For additional information or to register, visit:  ELFA Webinar

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