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Events & Seminars

Robert Cohen Panelist For ELFA Webinar “Operational Preparedness: Are You Ready For The New CA & NY Disclosure Requirements?”

Robert Cohen, a partner of the firm, will be a panelist for the Equipment Leasing & Finance Association’s  webinar titled  “Operational Preparedness: Are Your Ready for the New CA & NY Disclosure Requirements? ” on July 28 at 1:00 p.m. EST.

This webinar will provide attendees with the latest legal, operational and system integration information concerning commercial financing disclosure laws that are slated to take effect on Dec. 9, 2022 in California and what is expected to be shortly thereafter in New York. The webinar will also touch on overlaps and inconsistencies among state regulations that could require redundant, tedious and/or cumbersome investments in technology, software and training to comply with the subtle and material differences between the state laws.

For complete details and registration, visit: ELFA

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