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Robert S. Cohen & Stephen E. Breidenbach Featured Speakers At NYSSCPA Seminar “Cybersecurity, Privacy and Electronic Signatures”

Robert S. Cohen, a partner of the firm, and Stephen E. Breidenbach, an associate of the firm, will be the featured speakers at the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants’ (NYSSCPA)(Suffolk Chapter) breakfast seminar on September 19, 2019 from 8:00 am – 10:00 am at Flexible Business Systems in Hauppauge.  Their topic is entitled “Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Electronic Signatures.”

Attendees can expect to learn about the techniques cybercriminals use to steal information, what businesses can do to defend themselves, and how the laws surrounding, handling and protecting information are changing. The session will also explain the use and enforceability of electronic signatures in the market place.

For additional information about the event or to register, visit:  NYSSCPA


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