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Events & Seminars

Stephen Breidenbach Featured Speaker At Federal Bar Association Law Firms & Cybersecurity Seminar

Stephen Breidenbach, Co-Chair of the firm’s Cybersecurity, Privacy & Technology practice group, will be one of the featured speakers at the Federal Bar Association’s (New York Chapter) seminar: “Law Firms & Cybersecurity: Emerging Dangers; Ethical Obligations; and Best Practices for Emergency Responses” on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. at the law office of Cullen & Dykman LLP  in Garden City.

Individuals and organizations, including attorneys and law firms, have and will become targets for cyberattacks. Ethic opinions and court decisions are highlighting attorney obligations to secure firm and client data.

This seminar will explore the state of the law regarding cybersecurity and best practices for advising clients, securing data, and undertaking appropriate emergency responses for you and your clients in the event of a cyberbreach.

For additional information, visit: Law Firms & Cybersecurity Seminar

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