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Events & Seminars

Terese Arenth Featured Speaker At NYC Bar Association’s Sweepstakes, Promotions & Marketing Laws CLE Seminar 2017

Terese Arenth, a partner of the firm, will be a featured faculty speaker at the New York City Bar Association’s CLE seminar “Sweepstakes, Promotions & Marketing Laws: Comprehension & Compliance in a Digital/Mobile Environment” on Friday, May 5, 2017 at the City Bar Center for CLE Programs from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.  Ms. Arenth’s topic is entitled “Sweepstakes, Skill Contests & Other Promotions on the New Platforms.”

In this program, experts in the field will address the critical issues that arise when offering games and other promotions relevant to today’s marketplace. Topics to be discussed include governing sweepstakes, skill contests and other promotions on the new platforms, compliance with the laws governing real time marketing, new mobile marketing developments, the increasing risks of corporate communications and blurred content/Native Advertising, he continued import of the FTC Endorsement Guides, the significant change to the ad tech eco-system using privacy by design to build data collection and use, Third Party Rights and Risks, and Children’s Marketing.

For additional information about the seminar and CLE credit, visit NYC Bar Association

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