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Terese Arenth Speaker For New York City Bar Association’s 2023 Marketing & Advertising Law CLE Webinar

Terese Arenth, a partner of the firm, will be a speaker at the New York City Bar Association’s webinar “Marketing & Advertising Law: Faceoff-Social and Digital Media vs. Regulatory Oversight” on May 17, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. EST.  The program will address the critical issues that arise when offering games and other promotions relevant to today’s marketplace.  Ms. Arenth’s topic is titled “Trends & Developments in Running Sweepstakes and Contests: A Look at Promotions on the Key Social Media Platforms.”

Additional topics include:

  • Laws & Rules Governing Sweepstakes, Skill Contests & Other Promotions on the New Platforms
  • New Developments on the FTC and NAD Fronts
  • Greenwashing, the FTC’s Green Guides
  • Cause Marketing, Co-Venturing and New State Regulatory Oversight
  • Benefits and Landmines in the World of Loyalty Programs and Gift Cards
  • NFTs, Cryptocurrency, and Intellectual Property, the Continued Import of the FTC Endorsement Guides
  • Privacy Issues including Chatbot Issues

For additional information about the seminar and CLE credit, visit: NYC Bar Association


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