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Events & Seminars

The Federal Bar Association CLE Program

Our partner, Leslie A. Berkoff, will be a featured panelist along with The Honorable Dorothy T. Eisenberg-United States Bankruptcy Judge at the Federal Bar Association’s (Eastern District of New York Chapter) CLE program “The Scope & Implications Of The Automatic Stay: A Non-Bankruptcy Litigator’s Guide” on April 30, 2007 at the United States Courthouse in Central Islip.

The program will cover key provisions-pending litigation, collection efforts and other specific actions; modification of the automatic stay-11 U.S.C. 362(d)(1) and (d)(2); and cautionary tales and potential pitfalls.

This program is the fourth in a series of “brown bag lunch” panels featuring members of the Bench and Bar presented by the Federal Bar Association’s Eastern District of New York Chapter.  There is no fee to attend.

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