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Domicile Planning

New York State has grown increasingly aggressive in challenging assertions by former residents claiming a change of domicile to more income and estate tax friendly jurisdictions. In particular for our clients in Florida.

With offices on both the East and West Coasts of Florida as well as Long Island and Manhattan, our Domicile Planning Group is well positioned to advise clients of the challenges posed in claiming a change in domicile as well as help create a plan to address these challenges in order to be best positioned in the event of a residency audit by New York State.

Our Domicile Planning Group will guide clients in order to ensure that a client’s choice of domicile is properly planned, maintained and respected for both Income Tax and Estate Tax purposes. Some of the factors that must be considered are time spent in respective states, location of personal items, active business involvement and location of family members.

Once the decision to change domicile to Florida is made, the Domicile Planning Group will counsel clients regarding the steps needed to take in Florida to establish domicile and qualify for homestead protection.

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