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Moritt Hock Hamroff & Horowitz LLP Opens New Office in New York City


Garden City, New York; January 6, 2005 — The Garden City based law firm of Moritt Hock Hamroff & Horowitz LLP has announced the opening of an additional office in New York City.  The new office is located at 330 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

The firm’s managing partner, Marc L. Hamroff, said “the additional office is a result of the firm’s expanding practice particularly in the areas of financial transactions and real estate law.”  He further added that the new office is part of the firm’s “overall growth strategy to better service the needs of its diverse client base.”  In addition, the new office will allow the firm’s Garden City attorneys “to be more productive when attending meetings, appearing in court or otherwise transacting business in Manhattan,” said Hamroff.

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